Have you been hoodwinked by a credit card salesperson before? Have hidden fees shown up on your merchant statement? Not with Electronic Money Company. We are 100% transparent upfront and explain every fee on your application before it shows up on your merchant statement. Our online payment processing solutions ensure that you always know what you're paying for—no surprises.
Bat Phone Access to our In-House Service and Support Team over and above our processor’s 24/7/365 support. We answer the phone live. We don’t have to ask you for your merchant ID# or terminal equipment model because we have your information on our computer screen right in front of us when you call. We recognize your name and voice and you know your relationship manager by name and voice as well. You are part of our family of merchants and we treat you as such.
A versatile and user-friendly point-of-sale solution designed for businesses of all sizes. Clover offers seamless payment processing, inventory management, and customer engagement tools, all within a sleek, customizable interface. Experience enhanced efficiency and streamlined operations with Clover's robust, cloud-based platform.
DejaPayPro POS: A powerful and intuitive point-of-sale system designed to streamline your business operations. DejaPayPro offers seamless payment processing, advanced inventory management, and insightful reporting features, all within an easy-to-use interface. Enhance your efficiency and customer experience with DejaPayPro's reliable and versatile POS solution.
I am nurturing by nature having raised eight children. That's why I treat our customers like family. Our commitment to honest service and genuine support ensures that once merchants experience our approach, they choose to stay with us for the entire lifespan of their business journey. With the right payment processing system, we make transactions seamless and stress-free for businesses like yours.
Phone: 505-296-2847
Fax: 505-298-6304
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Mountain Standard Time