We have a bank, US Eagle, who refers us their clients for card processing. We got a call recently from one of the referrals. This woman had a small, seasonal business and wanted to get set up for card processing. We told her to sign up with Square and then call us when her volume got larger. Square does not have a monthly fee and even though their rate is higher than ours, there would not be enough volume times the rate to equal the monthly fee. When a merchant’s volume is larger, the monthly fee is less of an impact and the lower rate we can offer saves the merchant more money.
We gave the business away because we knew the client would be better served by Square. In other words, we led the client to the best program for them. By being honest and serving before selling, we end up with more business in the long run. It is the law, the Law of Attraction. It is your vibration that emanates from you into the universe and the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like.
The woman with the small business called US Eagle right after her conversation with us and told them how impressed she was with the way we guided her regarding her merchant services questions. The referrals have since increased.