Electronic Money Company

866-898-7618 or 505-296-2847 | A+ BBB Rating

Why Get a New Tablet POS?

Tablet POS

A very good merchant customer of ours has been using a POS system in their retail establishment for many years.  They were processing credit cards in a terminal sitting next to the POS.  Recently they contacted us asking about an updated POS system with integrated payments.

Their old POS cost them a ton of money from employees offering unapproved discounts to their friends.  The old POS did not track sales by employees.  All sales were lumped together under the company.  The owners knew that money was walking out the door and had no way to fix it until they came to us.  The cost of a new system was minimal compared to their losses.

The new system came with a FREE online ordering website!  Customers can add particular preferences to their orders and choose delivery or pick up.  This merchant can deliver their products, saving the 30% fees from delivery services that don’t deliver the service expected by this merchant.

The old system had old code that was slow and cumbersome.  It was time to move forward. We were able to help the merchant move all their thousands of inventory items into the new system with the stroke of the keyboard!  There was a slight learning curve, but huge returns on their investment of time and money!

Contact us to learn more!