Electronic Money Company

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Beware of An Older Credit Card Terminal | Verifone Vx520 End-of-Life Warning and Upgrade Options

Beware of an older credit card terminal called a Verifone Vx520

Beware of an older credit card terminal called a Verifone Vx520

It has aged and is not comparable to newer technology.  It is being shut down as an end-of-life device by its manufacturer, Verifone.

I am Gingergaye from Electronic Money Company Merchant Services.  

What does End-of-life mean?  It means that it  will keep working until it experiences a glitch.  At that point, the terminal will stop working and cannot be brought back to an active, functioning status.  No payment processor can repair it, update the programming file, or put a new download file into it.

If you have one of these terminals, I suggest you consider replacing it soon.  If it stops functioning correctly, you might be stuck, and unable to take credit cards in your business.  If you can access a virtual terminal or a phone application for your credit cards, you can accept payments that way.  Still, it will be time-consuming and inconvenient compared to tapping and dipping customers’ cards at the counter.

Should you decide to replace this outdated machine, it may also be an excellent time to review your credit card processing rates.  If you have been with the same merchant services provider since you got this terminal, chances are your rates and fees have increased.  Electronic Money Company does not play games raising rates and fees over time but many other processors do.

We will help you analyze your merchant statement at Electronic Money Company and recommend a robust terminal to replace your Verifone Vx520 terminal

Just call 505-296-2847!  We make the switch easy and simple!  Come over to a company that is honest upfront about rates and fees, knowledgeable about the newest technology, and goes overboard with in-house service and support above and beyond what you can receive from the big conglomerate processors.  

When you need help, we answer the phone live, interpret the Geek, and take care of our merchant clients immediately.  Because our support is so great, when merchants switch to use, they stay with us for the life of their business.  Give us a try!  Contact us at ElectronicMoneyCompany.com/contact-us

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