Electronic Money Company

Bookkeepers & Accountants: Save Clients Money on Payment Processing!

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Attention bookkeepers and accountants!

Every month you look at merchant statements and record the fees into your client’s books. Do you know if your clients are paying too much for merchant services fees?

I am Gingergaye, and I would like to propose that you would be a hero if you could show your clients how to save money on their payment processing or even suggest to them better technology to save them time and be more efficient in running their businesses.

I am Gingergaye at Electronic Money Company and we have a free service to analyze merchant statements. We can even train you how to ready merchant statements and determine for yourself whether one of your clients can do better on their merchant services fees.

The total of the fees is called the effective rate, but that doesn’t really tell you if there is a place to save money.  Merchants who take a lot of debit cards have a lower effective rate than merchants who key in transactions over the phone or who take a lot of corporate or business cards.

Give me a call at 505-296-2847 for some training.  Or better yet, send us over two or three merchant statements to discuss.  You can blot out the merchant’s name and merchant ID number to keep it anonymous. 

You guys are numbers people and analyzing merchant services fees is right up your alley.  Become more valuable to your clients and keep them forever. Look forward to speaking with you.

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