Electronic Money Company

Merchant Services Sales – Training, Residual Income, Why Choose EMC

Save Clients Money on Payment Processing Featured Image

Bookkeepers & Accountants: Save Clients Money on Payment Processing!

Attention bookkeepers and accountants! Every month you look at merchant statements and record the fees into your client’s books. Do you know if your clients are paying too much for merchant services fees? I am Gingergaye, and I would like to propose that you would be a hero if you could show your clients how to save money on their payment processing or even suggest

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Why Merchant Services Sales Reps Choose to Work & Stay With Us

Why do merchant services sales reps come over to work with Electronic Money Company, and why do they stay with us forever? The same reason merchants choose to work with us for the life of their business is the same reason sales reps want to work with us.  The merchants never leave our outstanding service, fair rates, and careful choice of reliable POS hardware.  Our

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