Electronic Money Company

Why Merchant Services Sales Reps Choose to Work & Stay With Us

Save Clients Money on Payment Processing Featured Image

Bookkeepers & Accountants: Save Clients Money on Payment Processing!

Attention bookkeepers and accountants! Every month you look at merchant statements and record the fees into your client’s books. Do you know if your clients are paying too much for merchant services fees? I am Gingergaye, and I would like to propose that you would be a hero if you could show your clients how to save money on their payment processing or even suggest

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featured image Merchant Sales Reps

Merchant Sales Reps: Ditch Leases & Boost Your Residual Income!

Attention Merchant Sales Reps! Is your current processor still having you sell leases?  Or worse yet, is the lease hidden in fine print, and the merchant told they have a monthly fee, which happens to be high?  Leases are a way to trick merchants into paying thousands of dollars for a credit card terminal over 4 years that costs $300 in order to give out

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3 Best Practices for Sales Reps Featured Image

3 Best Practices for Sales Reps | Boost Residual Income with Merchant Services

Hi, Gingergaye here with Electronic Money Company! I’m excited to talk to you about how we go above and beyond to help our sales reps grow their portfolios. Payment processing is a fantastic business for great sales reps to earn huge residual income that keeps paying them month after month. But let’s examine why client retention is a major factor in achieving the residual income

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Why Merchant Sales Reps Choose Electronic Money Company (EMC) featured image

Why Merchant Sales Reps Choose Electronic Money Company (EMC)

Sell Smarter, Earn More! Why Merchant Services Sales Reps Choose ELECTRONIC MONEY COMPANY Attention merchant services sales reps! Are you tired of losing deals because your POS system can’t compete on price? Are you frustrated with hearing about bad POS support that’s driving your clients away?  We’re here to change the game for you at ELECTRONIC MONEY COMPANY with better tools, better pricing, and better

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featured image Unlock Supercharged Training to Boost Your Residuals

Attention Merchant Services Sales Reps! Unlock Supercharged Training to Boost Your Residuals!

Attention Merchant Services Sales Reps!  Are you Getting the Training You Deserve? Are you a fan of James Shepherd’s training videos on merchant services sales?  His content is fantastic for learning sales strategies and building knowledge in this industry.  But here’s the question: Are you getting the personal one-on-one training you need and want from your current processor?  If you feel like you’ve been left

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Why Sales Reps Choose Electronic Money Company for Higher Residuals Featured Image

Why Sales Reps Choose Electronic Money Company for Higher Residuals

Attention merchant services sales reps!  Are you tired of losing your hard-earned residuals because the processor you work with can’t keep customers happy?  Imagine working with a company that keeps merchants so satisfied that they stay for the life of their business—and you keep getting paid for years on end from that one sale.  At Electronic Money Company, we do things differently.  I’m about to

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Why Merchant Services Sales Reps Choose to Work & Stay With Us

Why do merchant services sales reps come over to work with Electronic Money Company, and why do they stay with us forever? The same reason merchants choose to work with us for the life of their business is the same reason sales reps want to work with us.  The merchants never leave our outstanding service, fair rates, and careful choice of reliable POS hardware.  Our

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