Electronic Money Company

Merchant Sales Reps: Ditch Leases & Boost Your Residual Income!

featured image Merchant Sales Reps

Attention Merchant Sales Reps!

Is your current processor still having you sell leases?  Or worse yet, is the lease hidden in fine print, and the merchant told they have a monthly fee, which happens to be high?  Leases are a way to trick merchants into paying thousands of dollars for a credit card terminal over 4 years that costs $300 in order to give out an upfront bonus to the salespeople.  The bonus upfront may sound good to you, but if your merchant is pissed off over getting stuck in a lease as time goes on, you will lose the merchant and the residual income from the merchant. 

Secondly, processors encouraging reps to sell leases are also stingy about sharing the residual income with their reps.  The money is in the residuals, and the processor knows it.  Make sure you are making the money you deserve for all of your hard work.  Residuals should continue forever for as long as the merchant keeps processing with you.  So if the processor treats the customer right with service and support, your residuals keep going.  Treating merchants with scammy, expensive leases does not lend itself to making the sales reps money over time, which is the whole idea of residual income in the first place.

Gingergaye here with Electronic Money Company.  We are all about treating the merchant right.  We are upfront about fees.  We do not sell leases.  We provide white-glove service and support.  We do not play games raising rates over time.  Therefore, the merchant stays with us for the life of the business, and you keep earning residuals for the life of the merchant’s business.

If it is time for a change for you from a scammy processor to an honest, transparent processor who focuses on business processes that keep your residual going for the long haul, give us a try.  I will be happy to speak with you personally if you call 505-296-2847.  Try us, you’ll like us!

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