Electronic Money Company

866-898-7618 or 505-296-2847 | A+ BBB Rating

Protect Yourself from the Merchant Services Salesperson Bait and Switch!

featured image Protect Yourself from Merchant Services Salespeople!

Hi, I am Gingergaye Hollowell, President of Electronic Money Company merchant services.  We have been helping restaurants, retail merchants, industrial suppliers, field service providers and E-Commerce companies for 20 years.  

The problem merchants have in choosing a credit card processor to work with, is that understanding credit card processing fees is ridiculously confusing. Sadly 95% of the credit card processing salespeople out there are out right lying and scamming their customers to pad their commission. They tell you about a low rate, but forget to tell you that it only applies to debit cards.  Or they tell you about their low monthly fee, but forget to tell you about the other 5 monthly fees.  They tell you they have no contract termination fee, but after you sign up, in the fine print you find out that the salesperson is not allowed to waive the high termination fee. Plus most processors will sneak in rate and fee increases every 6 months to a year and boil you alive like the frog who thinks he is enjoying a warm bath until the water keeps getting raised higher and higher and he is cooked alive!

After your first meeting with most salespeople, you will never see or talk to that person again. You will have to call 1-800- IGNORE-ME for support and you will be stuck in a contract with a huge termination fee if you ever want to leave their lousy service.  

We, at Electronic Money Company, do the exact opposite.  We set you up with a fair, low rate and make sure you understand every detail of your merchant statement. We have our own in house technical support who know you and treat you like family. We don’t have to charge a termination fee because nobody ever leaves us. We ALWAYS refuse all rate and fee increases from the front end processor for our entire portfolio of merchants!  As a result, our customers stay with us for the life of their business.  

If you are just getting started with credit card processing, if you are looking to leave some other lousy service or just comparing rates, then I suggest you start by reading my report, “5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing A Credit Card Processor!

You won’t have a salesperson breathing down your neck and pressuring you to sign the dotted line.   You can easily remove any confusion and learn how to beat the credit card processing salesperson at his game.  

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