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An Entrepreneurial Thought for the New Year 2020!

As I started the new decade, I decided to re-read The E Myth by Michael Gerber. I can’t believe how much I got out of this reading, and yet I can. Electronic Money Company is in the process of scaling up. We are adding integrations with multiple tablet software systems, and we are adding sales reps because of this new product launch. I wanted to share one particular ‘Ah ha’ moment I had in my reading of this book.

It was one page that was a paraphrase of Tom Watson’s thoughts as he started IBM; and I will summarize it here for you, since you are all entrepreneur business owners. These thoughts were all at the beginning of his venture:

  • He had a very clear picture of what he wanted his company to look like when it was done and successful.
  • He asked himself how a company like that would have to act.
  • He decided to act that way from the beginning — and throughout — as if the business was already there.

Acting as if I was already there, scaled up, hit me like a ton of bricks. I had heard this before many times, but I needed to hear it again. Some people call this future pacing, and they practice it every morning:

‘I am so thankful and grateful that my business is____________.’  Fill in the future picture of yourself in your dream as if it is now, here in the present.

Just like eating nourishes our bodies continually, and so does reading books and listening to positive, self-help audios continue to nourish the dreams we had when we started our businesses. We can re-read the notable ones over and over again, and since we are a new person at each new reading, we receive new enlightenments that perhaps we were not ready to receive before.

We can all make the new decade a great one, because we will create it so!  Let us start today!
