Electronic Money Company

866-898-7618 or 505-296-2847 | A+ BBB Rating

Credit Card Processing Salespeople Scams to Watch Out For!

Nightmare Merchant Problem

Nightmare Merchant Problem!

Let me tell a true nightmare story which happened recently to one of our merchants.  I will tell you how we fought like the 3rd monkey trying to get on Noah’s Arc in order to find the solution and fix the nightmare problem.  Then you will have a better understanding of how Electronic Money Company is uniquely different from all the other credit card processing

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Gobbledygook Fake News

Merchant Services Salespeople Peddling Gobbledygook Fake News!

In the credit card processing business, it is common, or should I say most probable, that every merchant will run into a salesman who blows smoke, and sells a bill of goods that is FAKE NEWS!  In fact, most likely, every merchant in the country has one time or another gotten taken, scammed, or hoodwinked with “I am going to save you money on your

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True Story About a Low Rate Hussle!

A Long Time Client is Being Hussled! One of my long time clients called me and asked a strange question.  She was bombarded by companies calling her to switch her processing.  Tired of the hassle she finally said yes, she would listen to the salesperson’s program!  She made an appointment with her. Then she called me and asked if I would be at her side

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