Electronic Money Company

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Great Service And Low Rate Processing Testimonial From Tractor Brewing!

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Hear from one of our customers about their merchant services experience with Electronic Money Company.

Ginger: This is Sky at Tractor Brewing, she just opened her fifth location. “Hi Sky! Tell us why you’re so successful with Tractor.”

Sky: Hi Gender! Thank you so much for coming out, we just have this like never-ending urge to grow and expand and try new things and this is our fifth location and we’re very excited to be here in Los Lunas.

We use the Clover System at all of our locations.  This is our first location where we added the Clover flex handheld and so far they’re really great! We really enjoy working with Electronic Money Company because they’re always there for us and the cost savings that we get across our locations is better than anything else we found, so thanks again.

Ginger: Well, thank you and enjoy your opening!

Sky: Thank you!

Ginger: Bye!

Thanks everybody for watching! I’m Gingergaye, President of Electronic Money Company and we just try to help educate people about merchant services because it’s so confusing. Take care!

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