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Secrets of Credit Card Processing Fees Revealed!

Secrets of Credit Card Processing Fees Revealed!

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Are you confused about credit card processing fees? If so you are not alone and it is not your fault. Credit card processing is a confusing business, there is a term called interchange which comprises the rates and transaction fees that go to the bank who issued the card to your customer. On top of that visa and mastercard add their fees which are called assessments, network fees, and acquirer fees. Then on top of that are the bumped up rates your credit card processor charges to service your merchant account. The processor also has monthly fees called statement, batch regulatory, annual, and plain old maintenance or service fees. Additionally, there are third-party vendors involved. Such as vendors for equipment. paper supplies. gateways. and PCI compliance. The processor handles the service for these vendors.

The only fees or service charges that are negotiable are the processors fees. The confusion arises when the processor bundles the interchange rates with his service charges into categories with funny names like qualified, mid-qualified, and non-qualified. Or even worse into categories called EIRF, CNP business enhanced, or even worse into categories with no names just coded numbers. There is a rhyme to the processor’s reason and the reason is so there’s no way for you to figure out how much you are paying him for his service. Yes, the processor needs to make some money for servicing your account but, don’t you have the right to know how much you are paying for that service? Which is why i wrote the book Secrets Of Credit Card Processing Fees Revealed. I will send it to you for free because i got so fed up with the lies and manipulation. And it is time to fight back with education and truth.

Download the FREE Book right now or enter your address and we will send you a hard copy for only the cost of shipping. Inside the book you will discover the salesperson scams that cost you big bucks, how to take the confusion out of the rates, how to beat the credit card processing salesperson at his game. Don’t ever get duped again by the slick salesperson with too good to be true savings and free terminals.

Share this website with your friends so they don’t get scammed as well.

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