Electronic Money Company

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Zero Cost Merchant Services! Put those $$$$ back in your pocket!

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Hi Gingergaye here with Electronic Money Company.  In this video I want to talk to you about Zero Cost Processing. Yes, you heard it right, ZERO COST! All these years you’ve been paying Merchant Services fees, thousands of dollars. We can eliminate it and add that money back into your bottom-line.

Here’s how it’s done. You put a sign behind the cash register. It says, “All prices are cash prices.” For other tender there is a 4% custom fee. Then at the checkout, on the receipt the custom fee is added automatically. Now you might be saying, “what if my customer baulks at paying that? ”Well, this Zero cost processing has been adapted and saturated now at about 15% of businesses and the push back is zero. We even have an option if somebody really complains; you can opt them out of it at the register.

This is one thing good that came out of the pandemic. The general population loves small businesses; they know you all have been hurt. They want to bring you back. They know you need to survive and they want you to thrive. They’re getting used to inflation and so the push back is so ridiculously minimal.

I have businesses with all different size tickets using this program. We’ve got a little mail-stop place that sell stamps and pens and pads of paper. We have roofing companies that are doing $10,000 to $20,000 roof jobs.  The push back to the little tickets is nothing and even the roofing companies, if somebody objects, they can write a check.

I was getting my computer repaired at the IT shop and when I came to pick up my computer, there were 2 people in front of me in line.  The first guy in line was ready to pay and the clerk said, “That’ll be $545.” The guy pulled out his credit card and the clerk  said, “By the way, our merchant services company adds a fee.” And the guy just swiped his credit card and off he went.

The next person, same scenario. It got to me and I  love the convenience of paying with my card, my airline miles card, and I want my IT guy to stay in business and service me! This is the culture out there now.

Give us a call at 505-296-2847 if you have any questions.  Also, we have a special going on of a FREE Terminal because it does sometimes require a specific terminal to use this program. So, for 30 days, we’re offering it for FREE. Take advantage of it.

I also want to let you know that the purpose of this YouTube channel is to educate people. I’ve been in this business for 20 years and credit card processing is really complicated. Over the years in this industry, there’s a lot of scammy stories out there, of people who didn’t find out about hidden fees until it showed up in their merchant statement at the end of the month.

At Electronic Money Company, we educate you to learn enough to be able to discuss and understand fee structures. We have our own in-house service and support over and above our processor’s support. We answer the phone live and are happy to answer questions even if you are using a different processor.  We’re entrepreneurs helping other entrepreneurs.

Check out our other videos on the subject and subscribe to our channel.

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